Tagged: Editorial Strategy

Why Bloggers Matter to the Publishing Industry

What makes a blogger? A penchant for the rant? A crowd hustler with sticky offers? A spirited journalist, an observer of life, a thought leader? And what about the rest of us, scratching hard to make (not even a) living? Is it all for nothing or is there a future for us? The answer is absolutely. […]

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Focus on Being You

I was recently perusing one of those free downloadable viral reports and discovered a very interesting line of copy. It was a simple yet profound statement that summed up everything about the web content niche I don’t believe in: Today we are going to show you how to appear like an inspirational, creative, buzz generating genius, with […]

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Articles vs. Blog Posts: What’s it Going to Be?

I read a very interesting AlertBox article by Jakob Nielsen the other day entitled “Write Articles, Not Blog Postings.” While I tend to think that there is a gray area between what’s an article and what’s a blog post, Nielsen presents a valid point: there’s a limit to the value you can provide if the […]

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