Tagged: social media

5 Steps to Being Totally Boring and Unremarkable

If you’ve given up on “kicking ass” and being a “rock star,” don’t lose hope: there’s still plenty of room for being one of the most cliché and predictable personalities on the Internet. We’re talking McAwesome. The great thing about being boring is that it’s super easy and can happen to you overnight with almost zero […]

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Why The World Needs Less Copywriting

Update: this post has been updated to better reflect the author’s intent. It’s no secret that copywriters can be exquisite with words. They’re downright crafty when it comes to selling the sizzle. But what about social interaction? The thoughtful, unscripted dialog between company and customer that demands our humanity and rejects the skillfully manicured sales pitch? Our blossoming social space demands […]

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Why Creative Writers Need SEO

For the sake of clarity, the term “creative writer” in this article refers to anyone who considers their writing a gift of art long before it serves a function of marketing. Do you ever wonder why the people who are good at getting found on the web are often the ones who can’t write very […]

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Why Bloggers Matter to the Publishing Industry

What makes a blogger? A penchant for the rant? A crowd hustler with sticky offers? A spirited journalist, an observer of life, a thought leader? And what about the rest of us, scratching hard to make (not even a) living? Is it all for nothing or is there a future for us? The answer is absolutely. […]

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Publish or Perish, Then Try Marketing

In 2009, did you spend a little too much time on Facebook and Twitter? A little too much time talking about Facebook and Twitter? Did you proclaim yourself a social media expert? It’s okay to admit it, because we’re all guilty. 2010 promises to be a different year—the Year of the Publisher. Now that the […]

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