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The truth about content marketing when you love to write

All content marketers are writers, but not all writers are content marketers. Let’s make peace.

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Write Like This to Get More Readers

No matter how deep or shallow your subject matter — adapt your writing style to satisfy how people read on the web. Write short paragraphs with short sentences and simple words. Omit needless words. Think casual, assertive efficiency for readers with infinite choices and shrinking attention spans.

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3 websites that take headline writing to an entirely new plane of existence

On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar. —David Ogilvy Ogilvy wasn’t messing around when it came to headlines, and if he were alive today he’d definitely bump it up to ninety […]

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Why You Should Adapt Your Email Writing Style to Your Recipient

Everyone has a their own special way of communication and expression over email. Some are more formal and start each message with a salutation like “Hi, Charles –” and end with a goodbye like “Sincerely, Howard.” They do this every single email, even if it’s a rapid fire conversation. There are others who don’t address me by […]

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5 Resume Writing Tips Taken Straight From Google

Gary Vaynerchuk may be the master of the crushing it with a personal brand, but he was dead wrong when he declared on national TV that the resume was dead. The resume remains the first thing any employer asks to see. If you’re like me and looking for a great career with meaning and lucrative work, I recommend you take Google’s advice […]

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