What Serendipity Means to You

Serendipity is the moments in life you never expect to happen but are glad that did.

Sometimes it comes down to sheer perfect timing, total coincidence or just plain luck. Whatever it is, I say always be open to serendipity. Be open to good things happening to you.

With serendipity, you never know the cause, but there is always a reason. Whatever just happened to you is a clue that deserves your attention. It’s a generous hint of things to come.

Don’t cling to it, though. Just because serendipity hits doesn’t mean you need to dwell on it and tarnish it with your thoughts. All this does is kill the magic spirit of synchronicity and leaves you with a petty, hollow analysis. Just accept the gift and move on.

The more you believe in serendipity, the more it’s likely to happen.

What will your next serendipity be?
