Not that I'll be missed or even accounted for, but I have some good reasons for not going. For those of you unfamiliar, IzeaFest is a blogger's conference put on Izea, which is led by Ted Murphy. …
My Home State Turns 50 Today
Hawai‘i turns 50 today, which is a big--albeit subtle--deal in so many ways. If you're from Hawaii or grew up here or lived here long enough to "get it", there's an undeniable significance about …
Super REVIEW: Ignore Everybody And 39 Other Keys to Creativity
Ignore Everybody Book Review Well the title certainly got my attention, and it's not bad advice---plus it was endorsed by Seth Godin---so I gave in and bought it. Ignore Everybody And 39 Other …
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Re-Invent Yourself
These days, it's easy to get down about things. After all, times aren't what they used to be. It's easy to get discouraged to the point of doing nothing, to feel as if your luck has run out. To wonder …
Can You Afford the Price of Free?
The Age of Free has officially arrived, according to Chris Anderson's new book Free, which went public earlier this week. Now is the time when giving away content across digital mediums turns out to …
The Power of Publish
Alas. After all this time, you've crafted something great. Starting from those ideas in your head, you've self-educated, planned, prepared, procrastinated, anticipated, taken notes and finally …