This isn't your average Wordful post. In fact, I'm writing this from a hotel room in Seoul, South Korea, which is quite a change in pace from the warm family life I lead in Hawai‘i. The reason …
10 Lessons in Blogging Learned the Hard Way
Tomorrow marks the 1 year anniversary of the blog, and I'd like to share some meaningful lessons on what it means to blog. Since there was no way I could have known any of this when I …
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Where Content Marketing Meets Branding
After years of gawking over web design, flash animation, scripting languages and relational databases, I think we can now safely agree the internet is made of and for content (it's King alright). It's …
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How to Walk the Walk of Content Marketing
Be a publisher first, marketer second. When your content is stellar, your marketing become easier. Certainly not the other way around. Keep a healthy, obsessive focus on this. Actually do …
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Blogging Needs a Sharper Image
When you hear the term "blogging" or "blogger," does it resonate as credible publishing? Or amateur hobby? I sense that most people still regard blogging as personal hobby or marketing enhancement, …
The Modern Rules of Domain Names
It's almost 2010 and the internet is only getting bigger and better. You absolutely will need a great domain name to help you stick out from the masses. Here are 5 quick and snappy rules to keep …