Month: June 2011

Should Stupid People Not Blog?

No, they shouldn’t. Of course there’s no way to determine who’s stupid—let alone the validity of stupid being a unit of measurement (or judgement)—but, yes, as a general rule of thumb, stupid people shouldn’t blog. What I’m referring to here are some recent comments made by blogger and entrepreneur Jason Calacanis at ReadWriteWeb 2Way Summit NYC, […]

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Are There Enough Great Names to Go Around?

Being smack dab in the middle of tech-startup world here in San Francisco,  I’ve seen more than my fair share of clever names. Businesses in the Mission where I’m staying all seem to draw on the appeal of one-word randomness, like Beretta (a restaurant), Ritual (a coffee shop) and Revolution (a clothing boutique). Pithy and tidy, these […]

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Why You Should Adapt Your Email Writing Style to Your Recipient

Everyone has a their own special way of communication and expression over email. Some are more formal and start each message with a salutation like “Hi, Charles –” and end with a goodbye like “Sincerely, Howard.” They do this every single email, even if it’s a rapid fire conversation. There are others who don’t address me by […]

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