Top 5 Reasonable Goals for 2010

New Year’s Resolutions are nothing but washed out 20th century cliches that need to go. But it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t examine areas needing improvement in your life and work on long-term fixes for them.

I came up with a short list that feels about right for 2010. After all, it’s been a rough year and a rougher decade and so it’s time to be pragmatic and wise and strong for better times ahead.

Here are my top 5:

Take care of your family.

Pretty obvious, but it should always be at the top of the list. Family first. If you’re single, then take better care of yourself so other people (including your extended family) don’t have to later on.

Focus on greatness.

A petty life is not worth living. Neither is a life chasing wanton desires or dogmatic ideologies. Focus on being you, then focus on being the best at what you do.

Refuse to settle. Indefinitely. Don’t live and work to appease others — there’s no more time for that.

Pursue freedom.

Along with love, freedom is paramount. Without it, why live? But I warn: freedom is not free. It comes at a high price, but you get what you pay for.

Practice your craft daily.

It’s the only way you’ll get better until you’re the best, and even then you should practice daily. This is the most basic of human conditions, and the only way we can manifest our nautral talents.

Cut out the unnecessary.

Consume only what helps you accomplish your goals. Be ruthless and eliminate everything else that gets in the way or slows you down. I’ll even go as far to say that you should stop reading this blog if it’s not getting you where you need to go.

Those are my top 5. What are yours? Please share in the comments.

Happy New Year!

Photo by Richard0.
