Tagged: creativity

Do SWAG Blogs Bother You?

They sure bother me. You what SWAG is, right? It’s Stuff We All Get. All the cheap branded junk from the job fairs and marketing conventions of the world: fluorescent pens, calendar magnets, carabiner keychains. Baseball caps with corporate logos you’d never wear but keep anyway. A SWAG blog is a blog that churns out tons […]

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How to Avoid Mediocre Blogging

When you reach a point in your blogging that feels detached and unfamiliar–like you’re being told what to say and how to say it–stop for a minute and consider the people, things and events that helped shape the blogger you are today. Focus intently on strong influences. Perhaps a beloved grandparent who took you fishing every […]

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Things Are Going to Change Around Here

I just got slapped awake today by a reading of an excellent article on skelliewag.org, which offers a lethal but necessary dose of truth about blogging: be original and don’t sell out. So simple and pure, I know, but so fundamental anyone who blogs. Now I confess: I have been operating Wordful as a wanna-be […]

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