Month: September 2010

Does Your Writing Ever Suck? Then Read This

Should you ever desire to elevate your writing far beyond the oft-trampled pastures of Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style, then I boldly dare you to snap up a copy of Arthur Plotnik’s Spunk and Bite. Don’t get me wrong— there are well-established reasons why Strunk and White’s tidy field manual on writing has been around since […]

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5 Secrets to Being Productive on the iPad

Did you hear about the guy who said the iPad is like masturbation? There’s some truth in that. The iPad is brilliantly designed and marketed for media consumption. In the wrong hands, it becomes a smörgåsbord for content gluttons. But what about people like us who are committed to getting things done? How does this sleek Apple device benefit […]

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How To Disarm Your Inner Writer’s Worst Fear

This post goes out to many of the talented but “hidden” writer-blogger friends out there: the ones who either write like crazy but never publish, or publish but refuse to identify themselves. You know who you are. Let’s face it, mystery writer—you’re scared of something. You’re scared of owning your ideas, of attaching your name […]

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iPad Vook Review: Sages and Scientists

I was given an opportunity by Rachel Balik of Vook to review one of their latest titles, Sages and Scientists. I’ve written about Vook in the past and like what they’re doing in the publishing space. For the record — I have no formal ties with Vook and this review is completely voluntary. About Sages […]

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