Month: April 2009

10 Quick Ways to Sparkle on Twitter

Keep it to one idea. Write everything you need to say, even if it goes over 140. Then cut like crazy. Write like Hemingway: passion, focus, intention. “The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only 1/9th of it being above water.” -EH Be a nexus for others. RT the good stuff and […]

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Can Your Content Pass This Simple Test?

From now on, before you start a blog post or any bit of content, ask yourself these 3 questions: What’s the value? Picture your readers and their attention spans. What are they getting in return for their time and energy? Advice? A good laugh? A secret? Whatever you give must help, inspire, entertain, mesmerize, educate […]

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Frustrated? Revisit ‘The Dip’

Today I was feeling frustrated and restless with the general state of things and spontaneously snatched Seth Godin’s “The Dip” from my bookshelf. Since I spend most of my day sitting down, I (re)read the book both standing up and laying down on my office floor. It was a refreshing change in perspective. You can […]

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Copywriters and Journalists Need Not Apply

If copywriters are word experts who persuade people, and journalists report news, what purpose do bloggers serve? The answer is community. Bloggers are writers (among others) who serve the needs and desires of their community. If you understand this simple and important idea, then keep writing. Stop worrying about the need to write “copy” or press […]

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Write Now, Read Later

Think for a minute about your daily routine. When you turn on your computer, what’s the first thing you do? Do you read first or write first? It certainly feels easy and natural to start our day with hearty helpings of content. Emails, blog posts and news stories are cooked up to perfection like an all-you-can […]

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